Campus Directory | Faculty

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Jennifer Wakemen [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor and Program Chair, Hospitality Management
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 334 610-396-6123
Bryan S. Wang [email protected]
Teaching Professor, Biology
Luerssen Science Building, 101J
Tengxiang Wang [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Engineering
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 235 610-396-6442
John Paul Weber [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Business
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 240 610-396-6084
Maryellen Weimer [email protected]
Professor Emeritus, Speech Communication
Christian R. Weisser [email protected]
Program Chair, Writing and Digital Media
Professor, English
Franco Building, 131 610-396-6416
April Westhafer [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics
Nicole Whitaker [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, English
Franco Building, 149
Jeffrey Wike [email protected]
Supervisor, Electrical Engineering and Physics Labs
Adjunct Instructor, Electrical Engineering Technology
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 115 610-396-6202
John Yoder, Jr. [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor, Geoscience
William Zachowicz [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry
Luerrsen Science Building, 101E
Robert A. Zambanini, Jr. [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 218 610-396-6178
Stam M. Zervanos [email protected]
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Saide Zhu [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 213 610-396-6326
Mitch Zimmer [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Business
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 333 610-396-6334